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What is forex factory?

Forex Factory is entirely focused on curating forex-market information for traders. The nature of this information is primarily real-time (i.e., what's happening right now), and the scope ranges from economic data to analysis from members. You can read more about the Forex Factory website, and the ideals that drive it, on the Mission page.

What is the forex factory user guide?

Welcome to the Forex Factory user guide! The Forex Factory website is a complex application that can take a long time to explore and understand. While this user guide only covers a fraction of the website, it will give you a great head-start in understanding the site's functionality and underlying rationale.

Does forex factory stray from trading?

Forex Factory is focused on trading, and the overarching expectation for members is that they too are focused on trading. Focusing on the pursuit of trading profits will generally have positive effects on your membership, and straying from trading will generally have negative effects.

Is forex factory accurate?

Forex factory is 95-97% accurate, but it cannot guarantee a risk-free trading experience. The risks are dependent on how much trade you do on a regular basis. For example, 10 pips a day is less risky than 15 pips a day.

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